SLOvenian Network of Isotopes in Precipitation
References with published SLONIP data
- Žagar, K., Ortega, L., Pavlič, U., Jamnik, B., Bračič Železnik, B.,Vreča, P. Unravelling the sources contributing to the urban water supply: An isotope perspective from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 632, 130892.
- Vreča, P., Kanduč, T., Štrok, M., Žagar, K., Nigro, M., Barsanti, M. An assessment of six years of precipitation stable isotope and tritium activity concentration records at Station Sv. Urban, Eastern Slovenia. Water, 2024, 6, 469-1-469-17.
- Vreča, P., Pavšek, A., Kocman, D. SLONIP – Slovenska spletna platforma za interaktivno raziskovanje podatkov o izotopski sestavi padavin. In: Globevnik, L. (Ed.), Širca, A. (Ed.). Tretji slovenski kongres o vodah, 2023, Ptuj, 357-363.
- Hatvani, I. G., Smati, A. E., Erdélyi, D., Szatmári, G., Vreča, P., Kern, Z. Modeling the spatial distribution of the meteoric water line of modern precipitation across the broader Mediterranean region. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617, 128925.
- Vreča, P., Pavšek, A., Kocman, D. SLONIP—A Slovenian Web-Based Interactive Research Platform on Water Isotopes in Precipitation. Water, 2022, 14, 2127.
- Pavšek, A., Vreča, P. GitHub: Python script for calculating basic statistics from data on isotope composition in precipitation. 2022.
- Nagode, K., Kanduč, T., Bračič Železnik, B., Jamnik, B., Vreča, P. Multi-Isotope Characterization of Water in the Water Supply System of the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Water, 2022, 14, 2064.
- Vreča, P., Pavšek, A. Slovenska mreža opazovanj izotopske sestave padavin (SLONIP) – predstavitev spletne strani https://slonip.ijs.si/. In: Kuhar, M. et al. (Eds.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2021, Ljubljana, 2022,45-53.
- Šušmelj, K., Žvab Rožič, P., Vreča, P., Kanduč, T., Verbovšek, T., Nagode, K., Zuliani, T., Čenčur Curk, B., Rožič, B., Čermelj, B. Hidrogeokemične in izotopske raziskave podmorskih in kopenskih izvirov pri Izoli. In: Kuhar, M. et al. (Eds.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2021, Ljubljana, 2022,55-64.
- Nagode, K., Pavšek, A., Pavlič, U., Vreča, P. Izotopska sestava padavin in reke Save na območju Ljubljanskega polja med leti 2020 in 2021. In: Kuhar, M. et al. (Eds.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2021, Ljubljana, 2022,65-77.
- Serianz, L., Cerar, S., Vreča, P. Using stable isotopes and major ions to identify recharge characteristics of the Alpine groundwater-flow dominated Triglavska Bistrica River = Uporaba stabilnih izotopov in glavnih ionov za oceno napajalnih značilnosti alpskega rečnega toka Triglavske Bistrice pod vplivom podzemne vode. Geologija, 2021, 64, 205-220.
- Hatvani, I. G., Szatmári, G., Kern, Z., Erdélyi, D., Vreča, P., Kanduč, T., Czuppon, G., Lojen, S., Kohán, B. Geostatistical evaluation of the design of the precipitation stable isotope monitoring network for Slovenia and Hungary. Environment International, 2021, 146, 106263-1-106263-14.
- Nagode, K., Kanduč, T., Lojen, S., Bračič-Železnik, B., Jamnik, B., Vreča, P. Synthesis of past isotope hydrology investigations in the area of Ljubljana, Slovenia = Pregled preteklih izotopskih hidroloških raziskav na območju Ljubljane, Slovenija. Geologija, 2020, 63, 251-270.
- Kern, Z., Erdélyi, D., Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Fórizs, I., Kanduč, T., Štrok, M., Palcsu, L., Süveges, M., Czuppon, G., Kohán, B., Hatvani, I. G. Isoscape of amount-weighted annual mean precipitation tritium (3H) activity from 1976 to 2017 for the Adriatic–Pannonian region – AP3H_v1 database. Earth System Science Data, 2020, 12, 2061–2073.
- Kern, Z., Hatvani, I. G., Czuppon, G., Fórizs, I., Erdélyi, D., Kanduč, T., Palcsu, L., Vreča, P. Isotopic ʼaltitudeʼ and ʼcontinentalʼ effects in modern precipitation across the Adriatic-Pannonian region. Water, 2020, 12, 1797.
- Kanduč, T., Šlejkovec, Z., Vreča, P., Samardžija, Z., Verbovšek, T., Božič, D., Jamnikar, S., Mori, N., et al. The effect of geochemical processes on groundwater in the Velenje coal basin, Slovenia: insights from mineralogy, trace elements and isotopes signatures. SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1, 1518-1-1518-30.
- Vreča, P., Kanduč, T., Kocman, D., Lojen, S., Robinson, J. A., Štrok, M. Slovenska mreža opazovanj izotopske sestave padavin (SLONIP): pregled in možnost uporabe pri upravljanju z vodnimi viri. In: Globevnik, L. (Ed.), Širca, A. (Ed.). Drugi slovenski kongres o vodah, 2017, Ljubljana, 225-234.
- Vreča, P., Malenšek, N. Slovenian Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (SLONIP) - a review of activities in the period 1981-2015 = Slovenska mreža opazovanj izotopske sestave padavin (SLONIP) - pregled aktivnosti v obdobju 1981-2015. Geologija, 2016, 59, 67-83.
- Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Leis, A. Isotopic composition of precipitation at the station Portorož, Slovenia - period 2007-2010 = Izotopska sestava padavin na postaji Portorož, Slovenija - obdobje 2007-2010. Geologija, 2015, 58, 233-246.
- Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Leis, A., Demšar, M. Isotopic composition of precipitation at the station Ljubljana (Reaktor), Slovenia - period 2007-2010 = izotopska sestava padavin na postaji Ljubljana (Reaktor), Slovenija - obdobje 2007-2010. Geologija, 2014, 57, 217-230.
- Vreča, P., Brenčič, M., Sinjur, I., Vertačnik, G., Volk Bahun, M., Ortar, J., Torkar, A., Stibilj, V., Pavšek, M. Izotopska sestava padavin in snega na območju Julijskih Alp in Karavank. In: Kuhar, M (Ed.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2012, Ljubljana, 2013, 17-25.
- Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Leis, A. Isotopic composition of precipitation in Portorož (Slovenia) = Izotopska sestava padavin v Portorožu (Slovenija). Geologija, 2011, 54, 129-138.
- Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Leis, A., Brenčič, M. Isotopic composition of precipitation in Ljubljana (Slovenia) = Izotopska sestava padavin v Ljubljani. Geologija, 2008, 51, 169-180.
- Vreča, P., Brenčič, M. Izotopska sestava padavin v Sloveniji in njen pomen za raziskave kroženja vode. In: Kuhar, M. (Ed.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2008, Ljubljana, 2009,7-18.
- Vreča, P., Brenčič, M., Leis, A. Comparison of monthly and daily isotopic composition of precipitation in the coastal area of Slovenia. Isotopes in environmental and health studies, 2007, 43, 307-321.
- Vreča, P., Krajcar Bronić, I., Horvatinčić, N., Barešić, J. Isotopic characteristics of precipitation in Slovenia and Croatia: comparison of continental and maritime stations. Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 330, 457-469.
- Krajcar Bronić, I., Vreča, P., Horvatinčić, N., Barešić, J, Obelić, B. Distribution of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of Croatia and Slovenia. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2006, 57, 23-29.
- Vreča, P., Kanduč, T., Žigon, S., Trkov, Z. Isotopic composition of precipitation in Slovenia. V: Isotopic composition of precipitation in the Mediterranean basin in relation to air circulation patterns and climate: final report of a coordinated research project 2000-2004, ( IAEA-TECDOC, 1453 ). Vienna: IAEA, 2005, 157-172.
- Pezdič, J. Isotope fractionation of long term precipitation averages in Ljubljana (Slovenia). RMZ – Materials and Geoenvironment, 2003, 50: 641-650.
- Pezdič, J. Izotopi in geokemijski procesi. 1999, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo, 269 p.
References where isotope in precipitation data from SLONIP were used
- Šušmelj, K., Čenčur Curk, B., Kanduč, K., Rožič, B., Verbovšek, T., Vreča, P., Žagar, K., Žvab Rožič, P. Hydrogeochemical conditions of submarine and terrestrial karst sulfur springs in the Northern Adriatic. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2024, 83, 214.
- Žvab Rožič, P. Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Characterisation of the Učja Aquifer, NW Slovenia = Hidrogeokemična in izotopska karakterizacija vodonosnika Učje, SZ Slovenija. Geologija, 2024, 67, 7-24.
- Smith, D.F., Lyons, W. B., Welch, A.W., Zorn, M., Tičar, J., Lipar, M., Carey, A.E. The Chemistry of Cave Ice: Two Examples from Slovenia. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 2023, 29, 291–307.
- Koren, K., Serianz, L., Janža, M. Characterizing the Groundwater Flow Regime in a Landslide Recharge Area Using Stable Isotopes: A Case Study of the Urbas Landslide Area in NW Slovenia. Water, 2022, 14, 912.
- Filipović, V., Kovač, Z., Kopić, J., Nakić, Z., Parlov, P., Skopljak, F. Isotopic signature of the Sikirevci well field and its connection with the Sava River. Mathematical methods and terminology in geology, 2022, 115-122.
- Racine, T.M. F., Spötl, C., Reimer, P.J., Čarga, J. Radiocarbon constraints on periods of positive cave ice mass balance during the last millennium, Julian Alps (NW Slovenia). Radiocarbon , 2022, 64, 333 – 356.
- Mulec, J., Oarga-Mulec, A., Holko, L. et al. Microbiota entrapped in recently-formed ice: Paradana Ice Cave, Slovenia. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 1993.
- Brkić, Ž., Larva, O., Kuhta, M. Groundwater age as an indicator of nitrate concentration evolution in aquifers affected by agricultural activities. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 602, 126799.
- Krajcar Bronić, I., Barešić, J., Borković, D., Sironić, A., Lovrenčić Mikelić, I., Vreča, P. Long-term isotope records of precipitation in Zagreb, Croatia. Water, 2020, 12, 226.
- Vreča, P., Brenčič, M., Torkar, A. Application of passive capillary samplers in water stable isotope investigations of snowmelt: a case study from Slovenia. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2019, 67.
- Winter, T. Hydrochemistry and isotope hydrology of thermal springs in the Alps. Master Thesis, 2019, 44 p.
- Carey, A.E., Zorn, M., Tičar, J., Lipar, M., Komac, B., Welch, S.A., Smith, D.F., Lyons, W.B. Glaciochemistry of Cave Ice: Paradana and Snežna Caves, Slovenia. Geosciences, 2019, 9, 94.
- Rusjan, S., Sapač, K., Petrič, M., Lojen, S., Bezak, N. Identifying the hydrological behavior of a complex karst system using stable isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577, 1-11.
- Ogrinc, N., Kocman, D., Miljević, N. R., Vreča, P., Vrzel, J., Povinec, P. P. Distribution of H and O stable isotopes in the surface waters of the Sava River, the major tributary of the Danube River Journal of Hydrology, 2018, vol. 565, 365-373, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.024.
- Krklec, K., Domínguez-Villar, D., Lojen, S. The impact of moisture sources on the oxygen isotope composition of precipitation at a continental site in central Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 561, 810-821.
- Domínguez-Villar, D., Lojen, S., Krklec, K., Kozdon, R., Edwards, .e R., Cheng, H. Ion microprobe δ18O analyses to calibrate slow growth rate speleothem records with regional δ18O records of precipitation. Earth and planetary science letters, 2018, 482, 367-376.
- Cerar S., Mezga K., Žibret G., Urbanc J., Komac M. Comparison of prediction methods for oxygen-18 isotope composition in shallow groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, Volumes, 2018, 631–632, 358-368.
- Zavadlav, S., Rožič, B., Dolenec, M., Lojen, S. Stable isotopic and elemental characteristics of recent tufa from a karstic Krka River (south-east Slovenia): useful evironmental proxies? Sedimentology, 2017, 64, 808-831.
- Bezak, N., Sapač, K., Sečnik, M., Lojen, S., Petrič, M., Rusjan, S. Uporaba stabilnih izotopov kisika in vodika v hidroloških raziskavah: slovenske izkušnje = Applications of stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in hydrological research: Slovenian experience. Acta hydrotechnica. 2017, 30, 15-35.
- Brenčič, M., Vreča, P. Hydrogeological and isotope mapping of the karstic River Savica in NW Slovenia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75, 651-1-651-13.
- Torkar, A., Brenčič, M., Vreča, P. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater-dominated Radovna River (NW Slovenia). Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75, 1-18.
- Verbovšek, T., Kanduč, T. Isotope Geochemistry of Groundwater from Fractured Dolomite Aquifers in Central Slovenia. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2016, 22, 131–151.
- Brenčič, M., Kononova, N., Vreča, P. Relation between isotopic composition of precipitation and atmospheric circulation patterns. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 529, 1422-1432.
- Brenčič, M., Vreča, P. Applicability study of deuterium excess in bottled water life cycle analyses = Uporabnost devterijevega presežka v analizi življenjskega kroga embaliranih vod. Geologija, 2014, 57, 231-243.
- Mezga K., Urbanc J., Cerar S. The isotope altitude effect reflected in groundwater: a case study from Slovenia. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2014, 50, 33-51.
- Zavadlav, S., Mazej, D., Zavašnik, J., Rečnik, A., Domínguez-Villar, D., Cukrov, N., Lojen, S. C and O stable isotopic signatures of fast-growing dripstones on alkaline substrates: reflection of growth mechanism, carbonate sources and environmental conditions. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2012, 48, 354-371.
- Kanduč Tjaša, Mori Nataša, Kocman David, Stibilj Vekoslava, Grassa Fausto. Hydrogeochemistry of Alpine springs from North Slovenia: insights from stable isotopes. Chemical geology, 2012, 300/301, 40-54.
- Skrzypek, G., Wiśniewski, A., Grierson, P.F. How cold was it for Neanderthals moving to Central Europe during warm phases of the last glaciation? Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011, 30, 481-487.
- Kocman, D., Vreča, P., Fajon, V., Horvat, M. Atmospheric distribution and deposition of mercury in the Idrija Hg mine region, Slovenia. Environmental research, 2011, 111, 1-9.
- Ogrinc, N., Kanduč, T., Stichler, W., Vreča, P. Spatial and seasonal variations in δ18O and δD values in the river Sava in Slovenia. Journal of Hydrology, 2008, 359, 303-312.
- Brenčič, M., Vreča, P. Identification of sources and production processes of bottled waters by stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 2006, 20,3205-3212.
- Mezga, K. Natural hydrochemical background and dynamics of groundwater in Slovenia. 2006, University of Nova Gorica, Graduate School. [Accessed 19 May 2023].
- Mali, N. Characterization of transport processes in the unsaturated zone of a gravel aquifer by natural and artificial tracers. 2006, University of Nova Gorica, Graduate School. [Accessed 23 January 2020].
Cooperating institutions
- Slovenian Environmental Agency (Agencija RS za okolje – ARSO), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (Uprava RS za jedrsko varnost, URSJV), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria
- Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
- JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Institute for Water, Energy and Sustainability, Graz, Austria
- Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- Geological Survey of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Public Water Utility JAVNO PODJETJE VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA d.o.o. (JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o.), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Karst Research Institute, Postojna, Slovenia
- Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia
- Premogovnik Velenje d.o.o.
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Recent JSI Team members
- Polona Vreča, coordination
- Sonja Lojen
- Tjaša Kanduč
- Klara Žagar
- Stojan Žigon
- Marko Štrok
- Barbara Svetek
- David Kocman
- Aljaž Pavšek
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